It’s Raining Lashes! Mink Lashes Darling!

Okay, so I thought it would only be fair to bring you guys a full on look at our new Just Glam Hair mink lash collection. Before you scream to the heavens and signal to the skies for PETA I must say this (pay attention here…) OUR MINK LASHES ARE 100% CRUELTY FREE! Did you hear that people? No minks were harmed in the production of our amazing, glamorous (insert additional accolade here) 100% mink lashes. Honestly, they’re just to gosh darn cute and we are far too civilized to resort to such barbaric measures. The minks aren’t killed or hurt, just brushed for daily grooming purposes. The hair collected from the brush is then used to make our lashes by hand. They will last you forever (20+ wears) and will look and feel natural. These mink lashes have been a Hollywood beauty secret for years. Kim Kardashain, Gwyneth Paltrow, and a ton of other celebs routinely wear these lashes.  Okay, I’m off my soapbox. Allow us to introduce our new GORGEOUS mink lashes to you…(I’ll be doing another piece later on the difference between mink and those hunks of junk that you regularly buy at the drug or beauty store.)







Let us know what you think. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. REMEMBER: 100% CRUELTY FREE MINK LASHES. Available now at

Toodles & Tresses,